

About Exhibition

BIGGEST BIO AG SOLUTIONS CONFERENCE & EXPO 2024 will be held on 27-28 Sept 2024 at HICC NOVOTEL, HYDERABAD, INDIA. There has been a steady and growing realization that biologicals are here to stay because of all the benefits of using a biological – the increase in biodiversity and soil health and reduction in greenhouse gases and carbon footprint.

The good news is we are hearing more about measuring return on investment (ROI), where it is not just the price per jug/ price per acre or hectare, but rather what yield and quality increase that input cost gets you.

On another note, given the pressure on chemical pesticides and the innovation and increased performance of biologicals, larger companies continue to invest in biologicals through collaborations and M&A activity. Valuations continue to be quite robust on the private side, while the public markets have been terribly unfavourable for the whole ag biotech sector, with record low valuations. Sustainable agriculture and the biologicals sector are very dynamic and will continue to change rapidly. What worked in the past is not necessarily how to operate going forward.

Exhibitor Product Profile

Agriculture Products, Agro Products, Agriculture Machinery, Packing & Paper

Visitor Profile

About Venue

The Hyderabad International Convention Centre – HICC, India,s first purpose built convention centre as per international architectural and design standards to match up to the facility with other globally acclaimed venues. The 40 ft. high pillar-less main hall spanning over 65,000 sq ft features 6 translation rooms, rooftop catwalks, rigging points for heavy suspension, service pits with power, water internet supply, audio-visual system trackable gallery seating options that can be customized to comfortably host 6000+ guests.

Venue Map & Directions

Past Editions

Orgnised By

Bio Agri Input Producers Association
507 Saptagiri Towers, SP Road,